Monday, 28 September 2009

Chapter 24: Trying to Forget

Should I keep writing this story? Do you guys still like it ? :-)


I stood up and strode purposely out the door, out into the cool corridor and then I let loose. I punched the wall, not caring whether I damaged it or damaged myself for that matter. I desperately wanted to claim her as my own yet everyone was hell bent on stopping me. It wasn't just sex this time it was more something I couldn't quite grasp yet but I would, eventually. I stopped with my fist and began kicking into the same wall treating it as though it were a real person, I prayed no one would come out here because I wasn't sure if I could stop myself from turning on them. I was jealous, angry, upset, all the awful emotions I hated were pent up inside of me, I picked up stick and decided to try to express them in the only way I knew how.

I must of been out there was at least two hours, trying to find that release that I knew I desperately needed. I couldn't let a girl affect my game. I hard worked too hard for this and getting involved could permanently harm my career.

I figured I was probably the last one here but as I made my way back into the locker room I saw Max sitting at my stall holding a piece of paper in one hand and he moved his gaze to mine.

''Are you fucking crazy?'' He started, waving the piece of paper in my face. I tried to grab it from his hands. ''Coaches daughter? You have to pick the most off limits girl in Pittsburgh.'' He carried on and threw the white folded sheet to the ground. I picked it up and looked at it. It read. We can make this work. 7pm in my room, come in through the window. -Jen. I smiled but as I saw Max my smile quickly disappeared.

''She's just a girl that I can't seem to get out of my head,'' I said casually changing and getting my stuff ready for going back to my apartment.

''Man, I knew there was something up, but seriously you had to pick her? You need to forget about her, you're coming out with us tonight and we're going to Diesel to find you a nice girl,'' He smirked at me. Maybe he was right, I should forget about her. I think.

''You don't go to Diesel to find a nice girl, only dirty girls go to Diesel,'' I said trying to get in the mood but something in the pit of my stomach told me this was a bad idea.


Jen's POV

I left him that note hoping- not praying that he would find it and come tonight. I walked down to get some dinner and sat beside Liz, everyone else had eaten at least an hour before but I did the usual teenage girl thing and stayed in my room and sulked. I sat down next to her and she gave me a small smile. I bet she was going to tell me she could relate to me.

''I can see where your coming from but it's for the best Jen. Anyone but Jordan Staal, he's got the worst reputation. Always picking up girls, your too young to be in a relationship anyway, you should be having fun,'' She was trying to plead my father's case but I could see that she was a little more on my side than him.

''I know, I know. It was really only a school girl crush anyway,'' I said trying to make myself believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. She was right though, after Carter I told myself I wouldn't let myself get so close to a boy ever again. I should be having fun and that's exactly what I intended to do.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Chapter 23: Rage

Please comment, I get all happy ready them lol :-) Thanks to those of you who do. Even constructive criticism is welcome, I like knowing how I can improve my writing :-D Again, sorry it's so short but it's just a filler.


Jordan’s POV

I walked into practice the next morning with a strange feeling, something in the pit of my stomach. I was sure coach would pull me aside at one point after what had happened yesterday. I tried calling Jen but to no avail. It seems so cliché - the hockey player falling for his coach’s daughter. Would it ever work though? I mean I’d be away a lot and let’s face it after the summer she’ll be going to college in a different state. There’ll be new guys, new temptations and new friends – who would really want to be tied down in a relationship?

All this is buzzing through my brain while I’m getting ready, I’m so engrossed in my own little conversation in my head that I don’t even hear the guys calling my name.

‘’Hey Staalsy, ‘’ I hear Max calling behind me.

‘’Hey guys,’’ I turn around to find them all staring at me.

‘’Thank God man, we’ve been standing here for like the last hour and you’ve been pretty much ignoring us, what’s up man?’’ Max says a curious look on his face. I guess I have been kinda distant lately, usually Max is my partner in crime. We get up to some hilarious shit sometimes – like the time with the fireworks and the tequila and – I think we should leave that for another occasion.

‘’Nothing, let’s just get out on the ice.’’ I replied, not really knowing what I would tell them if they pressed me any further.

I knew I was playing pretty shit right now but I this practice was different, I was taking all my rage out and playing intensely. I could hear the whispers around me but I wasn’t fazed, I never was. Although one set of eyes never left me – Coach’s

‘’Alright boys, that’s enough for today. Go get changed!’’ He moved towards the exit of the rink but stopped in front of me. ‘’Not you Staal,’’. I stopped immediately, we were about the same height and I knew what was coming.

‘’You ever so much as lay a finger on her again so help me, I’ll fucking kill you. I told her the same, she’s got everything going for her and she doesn’t need someone like you messing it up for her. All I’m saying is think about her. You got that?’’ I wasn’t about to argue with someone who could destroy my career. ‘’Yeah,’’ Then I skated away.


I watched them from my stall. He walked over to her and started flirting with her. Something that he doesn't normally do. I was surprised but I couldn't do anything. I wanted so much to claim her as my own. She stood there and smiled at him, her eyes glittering. I watched Coach watching them, he didn't say a word. He usually didn't date at all but I could see the attraction. I felt it coming, bubbling up inside of me like a pot of boiling water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .