Sunday, 31 May 2009

Chapter 12: Explanation.

Thanks for all the great comments on chapter 11, there really inspiring keep them coming :) Just want to mention Jessie over at ''A Perfectly Good Heart'' she's been brilliant & she's an extremely talented writer :D.

Ughh, why does the text keep scrunching up, again I apologise.

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''Shit, what are we gonna do!'' Jordan sayed, sitting up in alarm. I guess he wasn't expecting anyone.

''Just stay calm, go through & we'll act like we were just watching a movie,'' I said. He began shaking his head making me wonder what he was thinking.

''It's Max, he'll never believe me, he's all about women, he'll figure out exactly what we were doing.'' He countered, I could tell he was worried.

Getting up and pulling on my top, I looked at him expectantly. He didn't even look in my direction. Just got up & walked on through, I could hear him and a few other voices chatting away, it made me mad that he'd just left me through here. I decided i'd wander on through and see what the boys would say about my being here.

''Hey Jordan, I've called a cab - I'll see you sometime, maybe we can continue our little discussion,'' I said with a little smirk on my face, whilst walking toward him. Seeing the rage in his eyes, I decided it was better for me just to go to the door and walk the few streets it was to my house, it was dark but I need time to think.

Jordan's POV
I couldn't work out what to do so I just got up and left her in my room. I had just broken up with Heather and I didn't want the guys to see Jen as the rebound girl because she was far from it. Max had sayed he'd ordered pizza and thats when she walked through into the kitchen, looking exceedingly glamorous considering what we'd just been mid-way through doing. With a develish grin on her face, she said bye and that she'd called a cab, with that she left.
''Dude, thats fucking brilliant, fucking the coach's daughter, that was my plan,'' Max responded in an excited tone whilst looking at me with bright eyes, I knew he wanted details but there was nothing to tell.
I felt a little disappointed in myself for letting her just walk out like that. I knew no matter what, I'd go round there tonight, whether it was 1am or 5am, I had to apologise.
''You've got to go guys, I need to sort something out.'' I said whilst ushering the guys out of my appartment, following them as they went. With a mix of moans and protests they left and I got in my car - I knew exactly where I was headed.
Jen's POV
I can't believe he didn't even offer to give me a ride home, I guess he's too selfish to think about anyone else. Although I had been quite enjoying what we'd started but I couldn't help thinking back and dwelling on the feeling that i'd wanted to stop, I wasn't quite sure what I wanted but I knew when the right time came - I'd know. Walking into the empty house, I walked into my en-suite and lit candles around the jacuzzi bath, next to the shower & ran the water. Silently getting in amongst the bubbles.
Jordan's POV
Arriving at the house, I noticed a car in the drive way, knowing that if someone was in they would disapprove of me being here at this time, which was 2:23 am. Trying to remember the lay-out of the house, I figured Jen would be in the spare room. I walked round, and saw it. The large tree the hung over the small balcony of the room. I began to climb feeling like I was scaling a large mountain, jumping over the wall of the balcony and in through the unlocked door. I saw nobody. Then I heard a loud breathing noise coming from the bathroom. I knocked on the door.
Jen's POV
I must of fallen asleep because I was awoken by a noise on the other side of the door, and then a tapping on the top of the wooden door. Jumping out of the bath and wrapping a towel loosely around myself I opened it and there he was.
''Nice outfit,'' He said with a look in his eyes that made me shiver with excitement . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Chapter 11:Unsure.

I've been having major writers block :(. I apoligise if it's not my best work so far :( but I hope yous like it :). Comments are greatly appreciated :D.

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Jordan's POV

As we drove along thoughts buzzed through my brain but everything stopped as I felt her run a hand along the inside of my thigh. I kept my eyes on the road because I knew if I didn't I'd end up losing control. Her hand continued up my side and reached my neck, stopping and rubbing. Hitting my sweet spot just where my shoulder meets my neck, I moaned. She knew she was getting to me. She kept her hand there until I moved it away and tenderly kissed each finger individually. Sucking a little harder on the tip of each one as I went. It was my turn now.

Jen's POV

As he worked on my fingers I felt myself shivering. Control yourself. He let my hand go and brushed his manly fingers against my leg, running his hand up and down it. Doing exactly what I had done to him. He moved to my side and ran a hand down, lingering a little longer at certain places. Even at that I could feel myself getting hot. Coming to a halt at what I could only assume was his appartment block I jumped out of the car and followed him to the entrance. The elevator doors opened and inward we went. I kept my head down and we stood at different sides of the box we were in. I lifted my head risking a glance at his stunning features before looking back at the ground. God, he's gorgeous. It wasn't enough I had to see him again. And so I did only this time he was doing the same and I looked into his eyes - seeing intensity that scared the hell out of me. ''Fuck.'' he said as hee moved swiftly towards me picking me up and pushing me hard up against the wall, my legs instinctively wrapping around his hips. He pushed his mouth to mine so passionately I knew I never wanted this to end. His tongue traced my bottom lip, asking for entry, I granted it. My head was spinning wondering how any man could drive me this crazy. As the ping! rang out we blindly exited the elevator and he carried me easily to his appartment as I kissed his jaw delicately. Even his strength was turning me on.

Jordan's POV

She was driving me crazy, I fiddled with the keys to my appartment eventually managing to open the door. I swung her round, closing the door with her back. I needed to touch her, my hands roamed her top but she halted me just below her bra. ''Lets got to the bedroom.'' As soon as I heard those words I thanked god for making women. I sat her down on the bed as she pulled off her top, I got on top of her, loving the way she felt below me. I kissed her again, wanting to connect our bodies.

Jen's POV

I was unsure if this was what I wanted but the look in his eyes made me wanted to continue. I slipped his t-shirt over his head, not believing what I was seeing. His body was beautiful. I traced every line of his abs, taking in every little bit of him. He began trailing tender kisses from the nape of my neck, along my jaw line, making me squirm. I was beginning to doubt my decision to come her. Then I heard a banging noise. ''Hey Staalsy, we brought beer, get your ass in the kitchen!'' A mans voice said. ''I knew it was to good to be true, maybe we're not ready for this yet,'' Jordan mumbled in my ear. What was he talking about? Was that a feeling of relief that came over me - us having to stop? How were we going to explain this situation . . . . . . . .

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Chapter 10: Thinking it Over.

This chapter is mostly about Jen and Jordan's thoughts and feeling towards each other, giving a clearer view into their thoughts because I felt I wasn't being clear on their view on things. Hope you like it :) Leave some comments just to let me know someones reading it lols :).

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''I'm going back inside but we'll talk soon, right?'' I questioned half wondering that if he said no would it hurt me? or would it be a little relief that he was one less person I wouldn't have to deal with.

''Yea, I'm sure i'll see you at the arena soon,'' He said while turning and walking back towards his car. I could hear the disappointment in his voice, I think he wanted me to go with him but I couldn't - simple as that.

A part of me wanted to let him in. Somehow my heart was willing but my head was telling a whole different story. I had never been in a proper relationship before, partly because I was afraid of putting myself in a situation where I could get hurt. I had been broken, once and only once before and I wasn't prepared for it to happen again. I fell in love with a boy who I knew only wanted a fling but I fell deeper and deeper until one day he pulled my world out from under me and broke my heart into tiny pieces. Cheating on me with my best friend. From that day on I couldn't trust anyone, not even my closest friends.

In the short period of time I had known Jordan, I was certain about two things. The fact that everytime I saw him I got butterflies and little acrobats jumping up and down in the pit of stomach. And to be quite frank with the second one, I wanted him. I couldn't lie to myself and this was the truth I Wanted Him. I knew it and I was almost sure he did too. But was I willing to put myself on the line for him? I suppose what they say is true - love grows with time. I had decided that I was going to take a risk - you only live once.

Jordan's POV
I was disappointed. She basically brushed me off back there. Although I had to understand what she was going through, her father and my coach being seriously ill in hospital, I had to back off and give her time. One good thing had come of this night though, I was well rid of Heather, no doubt she'd try to worm her way back in at some point but just now she was out of my life and I was definately happy about that.
I decided giving Jen space was the right thing to do. No matter how much I wanted her, I had to let her breath or else she'd only resent me for it later. Thinking this didn't supress the urge to turn back, take her home and have my way with her. It was all I could think about, all I wanted to do at this moment in time. I was being totally selfish but I didn't care. Jordan, you'll get her soon, just calm down. And there it was, that little voice in my head telling me to keep driving, go home and take a shower - a very cold one.
At that point I saw someone running up behind my car as I waited to get out of the parking lot. The passengers side door opened and there she was.
''You forgot to say goodbye,'' She said getting into the car with a little smirk on her face and a sparkle in her eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Chapter 9: Disaster

This is quite a short chapter, I'm just back from Ireland and I'm very tired but I wanted to post an update because I haven't updated in a few days. Expect 2 longer chapters on Tuesday as I don't have school and I'm planning to write quite a bit :D. Thanks again for the comments there greatly appreciated, keep them coming :).

Again sorry for the speaking parts, it keeps squishing all the words up :(.

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As she spoke those words images flashed through my eyes and thoughts filled my head.

''Whh..att happened?'' I said.

''It's your dad, he was on his way to pick you up and he got hit side on by a drunk driver, you have to come to the hospital now!'' She exclaimed.

''Is he ok?!! I can get someone to take me.'' I barely managed to string a sentence together. I had only just met my father and now I had to face the possibility of him being taken from me again.

''It's touch and go, just get here!'' Liz said loudly, I could hear the despair in her voice. I couldn't face listening to her and hung up. I was overwhelmed with pain, something I hadn't felt before. I think they call it grief.

Jordan's POV
When she answered her phone, her face turned a shade of white I'd never seen before. I knew something was wrong and as she spoke the words ''Is he ok?'' they just seemed to confirm what I was thinking.
''Speak to me Jen! Whats happened???'' I heard myself saying.
''The hospital, I need to get to the hospital!! My dad's been in an accident.'' She said.
''I'll take you,'' I heard someone say from behind me, I could only assume it was Sid.
''No! I will,'' The words sprinted out of my mouth.
She seemed to know that I wasn't up for argueing and nodded at me knowing that I wanted to be there for her. I had only met this girl a week ago and I was already feeling a strong connection to her. As we got in the car in complete silence my thoughts were running a mock. This wasn't the time for me to make a move but I couldn't stop my eyes from glancing at her, flowing over her gorgeous body.
Jen's POV
I was glad when Jordan offered to take me to the hospital. Don't get me wrong I like Sid but I felt comfortable around Jordan. As we walked over to his car and got in, my thoughts switched from my fathers health to Jordan. I caught him looking at me, at first I thought he was looking at me in a concerned manner but as his eyes drifted over my body lingering a little too long in certain places - I decided he was infact checking me out. STOP! Jen, your fathers in hospital and your thinking a stupid guy!
''I think thats Liz standing over there,'' Jordan said whilst pulling into a parking space next to the entrance. I opened the door and ran over to where she was standing.
''Is there any news?!!'' I said erracticaly, waiting for the answer I was praying for.
''Hes going to be ok. He's got a punctured lung, and fractured collar bone but the doctors think he'll make a full recovery.'' Liz said. There it was, exactly what I wanted to hear.
''He's going to get better!'' I blurted out whilst running to Jordan, jumping into his arms before I realised what I was doing. I knew we had a lot to talk about . . . . . . .

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Chapter 8: Uncomfortable Truths

Hey :) Sorry for the long wait for the update. I've been really busy lately but I hope you guys like it :D. I'm flying to Ireland on Thursday for my aunts wedding so hopefully i'll get an update posted before then :). Please leave comments with your opinions 8-).

It won't let me space things properly : So excuse the fact that all the talking is scrunched up, it's extremely frustrating.

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Just being there with him made me feel like everything was going to be ok. Even though inside I knew that they really weren't. As the hot tears slid down my face, I turned and looked at him. Staring back at me was a lost little boy, looking for the right direction to go in. I knew he was going to have to choose between Heather and I. I didn't want to force that choice upon him but the way I felt at that moment I knew I couldn't share him with another woman. She probably loved him - who was I kidding? To her, he had $$$ written across his forehead.

''She doesn't love you.'' I found myself blurting out. My thoughts had just come pouring out of my mouth. He nodded in reply. Perhaps he would break up with her and we'd be together? Yea ok, stop kidding yourself.

Jordan's POV
''She doesn't love you.'' Jen randomly said. My heart lept into action. Seeing her crying infront of me pulled at my heart strings. I knew Heather didn't love me but she was a nice girl and I didn't want to hurt her. Although thinking about it, my family didn't like her and she was always forcing me to buy her things. She was always making me feel guilty for being away so often and was never there when I needed her support. I had made my mind up, I was breaking up with her. Doing it for me not because I had an uncontrollable desire for someone else.
''Give me 10 minutes, stay here, do not move,'' I said, getting up and looking at Jen. She just looked at me with those beautiful eyes and I knew she understood what I was about to do.
Running downstairs to where Heather and Sid were still sitting. I walked into the room and looked directly at her.
''We need to talk. In the kitchen.'' I said calmly but sternly. Looking her straight in the eyes at the same time.
''Yea, in a minute babe,'' She said sweetly giving me her puppy dog eyes that usually worked on me but not this time.
''No. Now.'' I said showing authority in my voice. I never spoke to anyone like this but somehow this situation justified the tone I was using. Looking at me with a worried look in her eyes she got up and followed me into the kitchen. Sid just looked at me - he was speechless.
''Usually I'd sit down and talk to you but I'm getting straight the point. It's over. Has been for a long while. We just never admitted to each other. I suggest you leave and don't call me again - ever!'' Ok, so maybe I'd been a little harsh but she'd been using me for my money for the past year.
''Whats brought this on sweetie?'' She said trying to weasel her way out of the situation.
''Nothing, I just realised something.'' I said bluntly.
''Wait a minute, it's that bitch upstairs isn't it? She's fucking said something!'' Heather screamed in my face.
Jen's POV
I heard screaming downstairs and overheard reference to me. I wasn't just going to stand by and let her say things about me and not stick up for myself. I darted downstairs.
''I'm a bitch? You obviously need to take a good hard look in the mirror, hunny,'' I shouted in a sarcastic tone. Jordan was looking at me with pleading eyes. I could tell he didn't like all the shouting. Just as Heather turned, ready to hit me - my phone rang.
''Hello,'' I said.
''Jen, it's Liz, theres been an accident . . . . ''

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Chapter 7: Breaking Down

This is quite an emotional chapter. I've totally changed all my plans for this story and it won't all be plain sailing, lets just say after this chapter things between Heather & Jen are about to get very interesting. Heathers definately not stupid ;) But hopefully you guys will like it. There's a surprise coming in the next chapter aswell so look out for that. Guess what? I've planned like the next 20 chapters, how weird is that? I was bored and thought what the hell lols. Tell me what you think of this one :).

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I made my way over to the other couch and sat down, wondering whether they could keep their hands from each other long enough to say hello. On the outside I was acting as if I couldn't care less but inside I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach numerous times. I knew he was only doing this to spite me, bringing her here tonight. Showing me what I was missing out on and I bet he knew it was working but I wasn't prepared to admit my feelings to myself let alone him

''Ohh, hey Jen. This is Heather,'' Jordan said turning to me but still with his hands all over her. Sid came and sat beside me - swiftly putting his arm around, for this I was glad. Heather however just looked at me and smiled not even saying a word. Bitch.

''I was thinking we could watch a scary movie tonight guys,'' Sid said looking at me with appealing eyes while placing The Blair Witch Project into the dvd player. He returned to his place beside me as the movie started, pulling me inward to him. I should have felt safe but these arms weren't the ones I wanted to be in.

Scary movies were not my favourite, I was easily scared and I leaned further into Sid. I felt his body tense up beside me. I couldn't keep my eyes from drifting over to Jordan, his arm draped round her waist and hers around his waist, holding him tightly. Emotions that I rarely felt were running through my body. Jealousy. She had something I wanted and it was killing me. The thoughts of waging war on them were pushed to the back of my mind, he was driving me crazy and I hated it.

''Are you ok?'' Sid wispered into my ear whilst tightening his grip on me and pushing a strand of hair from my nearly watering eyes.

''Just fine,'' I replied trying to convince not only him but also myself that I would be ok.

As the movie neared its end, I risked another glance at Jordan. Only to find him looking back at me with intensity in his eyes. Not wanting to look away I held his gaze until the music of the ending credits brought us out from our trance and back to reality. Everything about him made me want him. His gorgeous blonde hair, those eyes like swimming pools and that jaw line that reminded me of just how much of man he was. I saw him smile down at the girl lying in his arms.

''I love you,'' She sayed whilst looking up at him. Those words swirling round in my head, I was overcome with emotion, I got up - apologising that I needed a drink. My heart was racing as I walked calmly out of the room and up the stairs into a room at the end of the hall which I found was a bathroom, I shut the door quietly. Only then did I hear the footsteps behind me and small knock on the door. Thinking it was Sidney I opened the door to find myself up against a brick wall that was Jordan Staal. He walked in shutting the door. Our eyes meeting for the second time that night only this time I couldn't hold it in. I burst into tears, he darted toward me, grabbing me in his arms. I felt safe for the first time in long while . . . . . .

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Chapter 6: Going Cold Turkey

This isn't the chapter I originally wanted to put up today but I can't decide on an ending for the one I'm excited about so I'll ask my friends there opinion and then I'll post my exciting chapter tomrow :). Hope this ones ok for now. Let me know what you think :D.

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''Jen! Wait up,'' I turned around and there was Sid running toward me like a little puppy dog.

''Sorry I ran away. Could you give me a ride home?'' I asked, praying I wouldn't run into Jordan again.

''Yea, no problem.'' he said.

We walked to his car and he gracefully opened my door, aww, thats so cute. As we rode through Pittsburgh, I couldnt help but wonder what would happen now, would I just be expected to stay silent about what happened? Could I control myself and stop it happening again? Great another mess I've got myself in. I came to Pittsburgh to find my father and figure myself out not to get caught up in a love triangle. Ohh god, what am I gonna do!

We rounded the corner into what I'd come to know as the community of Sewickly, PA. I hope I'll come to like it at some point.

''Thanks for the ride,'' I said, as I turned to get out Sid grabbed my arm. I looked round and he had grin on his face. He has exceptional eyes, I could get lost in them.

'' I was wondering if you wanted to come over to Lemieux's tonight? We could hang out, watch a film - that kind of thing?'' He spoke calmly and politely.

What the hell, go have some fun!

''Actually, I'd love too, should I come over around eight?'' I sayed with a stupid grin plastered across my face.

''Yep, that'd be great. Can't wait!'' He exclaimed. He really is like an excited little puppy.

I gently closed the door and waved as he drove off. I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I was doing something wrong - Its not like I have a boyfriend, I reminded myself. But the feeling didn't subside. I shoved it to the back of my mind, as I walked through the front door.

''Hey Jen!'' Someone called from the kitchen.

I wandered on through until I found Liz sitting at the table, drinking coffee. She pointed to the chair opposite her. I sat down infront of her.

''So was that Sidney Crosby's car I saw you getting out of?'' She asked with an expectant look on her face.

''Ehh, yea it was. He asked me to hang out with him tonight.'' I answered.

''Really? Aww, hes such a sweet boy. He's been carrying the weight of the NHL on his shoulders for the past 3 years. It's time he has some fun.'' She said with a sad look on his face.

''I suppose I'd better show him a good time then,'' I joked as I got up and started to leave the room.

''Dont break his heart Jen.'' Liz said in half joking, half serious tone in her voice.

I walked to my room and began pulling outfits from my wardrobe. What do I wear? I've never really just hung out with a boy before. When Liz called asking what I wanted for dinner, I decided I wouldn't have any - I'm so nervous I don't think I can keep it down. I ran the water and stepped into the shower. The days events running through my head. I was in a real mess. I'd deal with the Jordan situation when the time came but right now I had to think about what I wanted my night with Sid to turn out like. I dried my hair and let the waves fall down my back. After much deliberation I decided on navy jeans and a Rock & Republic t-shirt. I put on my cream Chanel ballet flats and ran downstairs.

''Dad, would you mind driving me to Sids?'' I asked sweetly.

''Sure.'' He said bluntly.

We got in the car and I swear we sat the whole car ride in absolute silence. Not a word spoken in any direction until we reached Sids.

''I'll pick you up 12, be ready.'' He said.

With that I got out and slammed the door, running up Sid's path to the door and knocking on it.

''Hey, come in - I invited a few other people aswell.'' He said brightly.

I walked into the living room and saw Jordan sitting up against the couch with a girl on his lap - kissing his neck. I froze. So thats how he wants to play it, this was war and I wasn't prepared to lose . . . . . . . .

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Apologies :)

Sorry guys but I've got plans on Friday night and its my birthday on Saturday and I'll be going out with my friends so I won't be able to update until Sunday morning. It'll be worth the wait though, the next chapter practically has me buzzing with excitement, I just know you guys will love it :D. I'm totally gratefull for all the comments aswell, keep them coming :). Sorry again though :(. I hope you'll stick with me :D.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Chapter 5: Playing The Field

Here's the next chapter, posting it a little earlier than I intended. I hope you guys leave comments telling me what you think :D.

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When morning came the next day, thoughts were rushing through my head. I had slept soundly the night before, mentally preparing myself for the day ahead. I got up and showered quickly, dressed myself in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt. I decided that I wasn't going to intimidate him by wearing flats so I put on black Louboutin heels. I felt like I was ready to conquer the world - only I wasn't, my nerves were overcoming me. My dad had told he'd like me to come to practice to today, so I could get to know what he did for a living. I was only to happy to start my game playing in his neck of the woods. Hitting him where it hurts, so to speak - or so I thought. Getting in the car and driving to the arena only made my nerves worse - I had to stop thinking about him.

''Jen, is anyone in there? Lets go inside and you can sit in the stands and watch.'' my dad joked as he waved a hand infront of my face.

''Sorry, I was dreaming,'' I said.

As I sat watching the players come onto the ice I was mesmerised by how fast they could skate on the ice, them being such big guys and all. Hockey had always been something I'd shared with my step dad. We'd go to all the Rangers games, he'd teach me the players names and how the game work. Even as I grew older I still loved the time spent there. When he became ill, he'd always tell me to keep going to the games and to remember all the times we'd spent together, he said that when he was better we'd go back just the two of us. Although that day never came, when he left hospital he became a different person. People change sometimes for the worse. I was interupted by a cold hand on my shoulder.

''Hey, I'm Sidney, Sidney Crosby, you must be Jen?'' a voice said.

''Ohh hi, yea thats me. You're the captain right?'' I said with a sweet smile.

''Yes, I think we should probably go into the locker room since practice is over.'' he said with an over the top grin.

At that we walked round the rink and came to an open gate. As we passed someone came to sudden halt, all the while spraying me with soaking wet ice. I was drenched, my top especially. I bet I look very intimidating now.

''I'm so sorry, I can't apologise enough. I really didn't see you!'' a large manly voice said.

''It's ok, really I'm fine.'' I repeated while brushing myself off but I was still dripping from the neck down.

''Come on, I'll get you something to change into, a practice jersey or something,'' Sidney announced.

We ran down the corridor and into a cupboard where Sid began pulling out all sorts of items until he came out with a top that had the number 87 on the sleeves and Crosby written in big bold letters across the back. It seemed as though he was marking me although I knew he wasn't. He pointed to a room and motioned for me to go inside. As turned to walk away he muttered that he'd wait for me back at the cupboard. When I opened the door to the room, I figured it must be the treatment room - with a bed and medical equipment. I backed into the room, shutting the door and pulling off my dripping wet top when I heard a voice behind me.

''Excuse me, can I help you?'' a cold voice questioned.

I turned around and there he was.

Jordan's POV
When I heard the door shutting I decided it was probably a good idea to go check who had just entered. When I rounded the corner I knew exactly who it was but my first instinct wasn't to let on I knew it was her, so I asked the most stupidest question ever. Can I help you? Great! What a gay thing to say. She turned around and I noticed she was just standing in her black lacy bra with a t-shirt in each hand. I took two strides towards her and her eyes danced over my chest, I wasn't wearing a shirt and her gaze drifted down over my toned abs. Noticing me looking at her, she averted her eyes to mine. I wanted her.
Jen's POV
He came towards me but I couldn't take my eyes of his conditioned athletic body, those abs were making me drool. I moved my eyes to look at his and we held each others gaze until he moved further towards me and put his hand on the small of back, pushing me up against the door. He began kissing behind my ear and planting kisses down my neck, I ran my fingers through his hair as my leg started to wrap around his waist. Then it hit me. I had to get out of there. I snaked out from beneath his arms, shoved on a t-shirt and ran. He has a girlfriend! I told myself this over and over again but nothing could stop me from wanting more, but I have self control and plenty of it . . . . . .

Chapter 4: Coming To My Senses

This is one of the shortest chapters I'll write - I love writing longer ones but I'm a bit short on time tonight - sorry :(. I'll write a much longer one tomorow because thats when everything really gets going. I'm going to start switching between POV's, good idea or not?
Thanks again for all the comments keep them coming :).

I hope you guys will stick with me on this one :)

It won't let me take a new line for the speaking at the bottom, so sorry It's all squished.
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As we brought the strawberries and cream through from the kitchen I couldn't help but notice him looking at me, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

''Thanks guys.'' my father said as we entered the dining room.

''Not a problem,'' Jordan replied with a smirk.

As we began eating our desert I decided I would have a little fun with Jordan - play some mind games. I knew he was watching me so I began licking the cream off each strawberry, flicking my tongue ever so tantalising over each individual one - his expression said it all.

Jordan's POV

I had been very relieved when we left the kitchen silently, I could feel the atmosphere heating up around us. I kept reminding myself that I'd only just met this girl, she could be psychotic for all I know. When she began licking the strawberries my mind raced, thoughts started to appear in my head - ones I knew were wrong but I couldn't help myself. I bet she knows exactly what she's doing to me.

''Well, if we're all finished here I think we should head into the living room for some drinks.'' Dan said, interupting my thoughts.

''If you don't mind I'd like to go up to my room to finish unpacking my clothes?'' She said.

''Yes, I don't see why not.'' Dan replied.

As she left the room I knew I needed to speak to her. Then I rememebered- Heather! I shouldn't get involved with anyone else, I love Heather. Well at least I think I do.

Jen's POV
I really needed to unpack my clothes but to be honest I couldn't be bothered. I lay on my bed thinking of him. Ughh, he's just a guy Jen, get him out of your head. At that thought I found myself sweating, why was I sweating? Is this what I'm going to be like around him? I decided I must go for a shower, so I undressed and turned on the water and let it glide over me - this was just what I need. When I came out of my bathroom Ruby was sitting on my bed. Ughh, what does she want?
''I saw you looking at him.'' she said calmly.
''W-Who?'' I stuttered, shocked at what she was saying.
''Jordan, you two were trading hot glances all night.'' she replied.
''Yea, ok then.'' I said trying to laugh it off.
''Whatever, but you should know - he's got a girlfriend,'' she spoke with a smug look on her face.
''Like I care.'' I returned as my heart dropped to my stomach.
She turned and left. I collapsed in a heap on my bed. Defeated. How could he be so flirtacious with me and have a girlfriend at the same time? Well if he thinks he can do that and get away with it he's got another thing coming - it was time for me to play dirty . . . . . .

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Chapter 3: Who Was That ??

Thanks for the comments and everything there greatly appreciated. I hope you guys will like what I've got planned :) .

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''Ok guys - wrap it up, I need to take Jennifer and Taylor home to meet Liz and the kids!'' my dad shouted.

''Everyone calls me Jen these days.'' I countered. Ohh great, now I get to part of the big happy family.

''Well then Jen, I suppose we should head home then.'' he replied.

He began walking down the same corridor we had just came from. Out of the door and over to a large SUV.

''Hop in ladies.'' he told us.

As he said that we climbed into the car and off we went. Wow! All I can say is that this place is just so strange, so different to the world I know at home. After about a half hour of drving we came to an eventual stop. Outside of the most charming house I'd ever seen.

''Girls, this is my home.'' he stated as though he were filled with regret.

At that point we walked behind him to the white, glass paned door and stepped in to what was going to be my home for the next few months. As soon as we entered the kitchen I immediately noticed a woman and four children sitting around an oak dining table.

''Jennifer, Taylor this is Liz, Jennifer I suppose these are your brothers and sisters,'' he said. hmm, talk about stating the blatantly obvious there dad.

With that an average sized blonde girl stood up and introduced herself as Ruby, and then went on to state that the 3 boys opposite her were Jamie, Sam and Alex, they all looked the same so I figured they must be triplets. Great this should be fun. Something about Ruby troubled me, she seemed to sort of sneer at me as if to say stay away, this is my territory - as if I was bothered by her.

''Well girls, I think our au pere should have put your luggage in your rooms by now, so if you'd like to go and get settled in. Dinner will be served at 6pm - although some of the guys from the team will be joining us so make yourselves look pretty'' he joked.

At that moment he should us to our rooms. I looked at my surroundings, not enirely sure what to make of them. My room was pale coloured, with an en-suite bathroom in plain white. I had noticed that nothing in the house seemed to have an ounce of colour in it. So I unpacked and decided to take a nap. I set an alarm for 5pm.

After what seemed like 10 minutes, I was awoken by a vibrating under me. Great, time to get ready. So I took a shower, dryed my hair & let it hang in its normal straight way. I had always loved my hair, it was thick, dark and beautifully straight, one of the few things I liked about myself. I decided to put on a beautiful summer dress, a little low cut but not to low - just enough to show off a little flesh.

''Jen, Taylor - dinners ready!'' someone hollered from downstairs.

As I wandered downstairs I noticed Taylor was only wearing jeans and plain t-shirt. Wonderful, trust her. I was stopped in my thoughts by those eyes staring at me, the ones from before. Without his helmet on I noticed he had glossy short blonde hair and a chiseled jaw line. In other words he was gorgeous.

''Jen this is Jordan, hes probably the closest to your age.'' he said as I shook the boys hand.

I didn't catch the other group of boys names. Nor was I interested in anyone else but him. As we went through dinner, I'd catch him looking at me. This was not what I needed right now.

''Jordan, take Jen to the kitchen and you two can bring through dessert,'' my father said.

''I'd love to.'' Jordan replied.

As soon as we were in the kitchen.

''You know you shouldn't wear dresses like that infront of me, it could become a problem,'' he said with flirtacious smile.

''Well, I've always thought of myself as a trouble maker.'' I said sweetly.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Chapter 2: Arriving

This is the where the story starts, any opinions on this would be great :).

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As we drove through the streets of Pittsburgh, I was mesmerised by how different it was to New York. I liked change and this was definately what I needed at this point. A chance to find myself.

When we came to a stop the driver opened the door.

''Ladies this is the Mellon Arena, inside your father will be conducting practice.'' he said.

''Emm ok, do we just go inside and look for him?'' I said in reply.

''Well yes, security will know your coming and they will tell you where to go.'' he drawled.

''Fine.'' I said a little to harshly.

I noticed that we were getting strange looks from the people around and decided that we should hurry quickly to door with two men standing beside it. After giving us directions on where my father would be the men stepped to the side and we walked inside.

''Ok, so the guys said that we were to follow the corridor to the end and turn right onto the side of the rink, am I right?'' I questioned Taylor.

''Yea, at least I think thats what they told us,'' Taylor said.

''Lets go then!'' I exclaimed.

After a few minutes of following the long drawn out corrider we turned right and out onto a large bright rink. Home Sweet Home, I thought to myself. I looked around and saw three tall males in penguins jacket and decided to approach them thinking one of them must be my father.

''Dad?'' I asked.

They turned round and I saw him, for the first time in person. My dad. He was really here, right infront of me.

''Jennifer, thank God you made it safely!'' he said a little to loudly.

The next thing I knew he was pulling me into a bear hug and muttering that he had waited so long to see me. Yea right, why didn't you just get on a plane and see me?

''Guys get over here, I want you to meet my daughter!'' he shouted.

All of the people who were skating on the ice glided over the where we were standing and looked on intently.

''This is Jennifer, my daughter and Taylor her best friend. They'll be staying with me for the rest off the season and the summer, be nice to them.'' my dad said triumphantly.

''Woah, coach has a beautiful daughter!'' a tall dark haired boy joked.

I just smiled at that remark, I knew I was fairly pretty but definately not beautiful. At that point I looked out to the right and saw a taller blonde haired boy with the most dazzling eyes, he shot me a devilish grin, I returned it with a wink - perhaps this wasn't going to be as bad as I had previously thought . . . .

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Here goes nothing . . .

My name is Jennifer Bylsma. I am 18, yes at this point I should just be graduating high school but I made a mistake, a big mistake. I'd rather not go into what happened, but here I am with my best friend Taylor on a plane to Pittsburgh, Pensylvania. My parents were only together a short while, when my mother found out she was pregnant. Her being the beautiful Italian model and my father, the hockey superstar. I was going to rip that pretty little picture appart. Soon after I was born my parent split up and my mother moved to New York where she married into money. My step-father accepted me as his own child but this was never enough, I needed my real dad. I always felt like a part of me was missing, like half of my heart was cold. I guess this has affected me in love aswell. Always up for a fling, never ready to fall in love. I suppose you could say it's a curse - not knowing how to love.

When my parents split, it was decided my father would be absent in my life. Something which I wish had never happened. I always knew who he was but I'd never had more than 2 phone calls in all my life. He had married and I knew he had four children, perhaps I didn't fit into his proper family.

In the fall I would start college - Yale to be exact. I'm the girl no one really expected to do anything except to be a model and marry an Upper East sider. I myself am an Upper East side girl. Yes, I suppose you've heard the rumours but we're not all as bad as you think - well perhaps I am. To be honest, I'd much rather stay in with my friends than go out partying but I have an image to uphold as the party girl that everyone wants to be friends with. Right now I'm sick of all that, I just want to find a nice guy and settle down - HA! Fat chance of that ever happening - not with my track record.

My last conversation with my father took place last night, I had informed him that my best friend and I were coming to stay with him until the end of August. Just so you know my dad's Dan Bylsma, the head coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins. He seemed glad that I was coming, I told him that it was time we got to know each other, that we had wasted enough time being apart. He told me that he would love for us to come and stay with him. I suppose it helps that I'm a big ice hockey fan, although the Rangers are my team.

I decided a few nights ago that it was time to find the other part, to warm my heart - so to speak. I was ready to find love, perhaps Pittsburgh would be the place to start looking.

I must off dosed beacuse the next thing I knew I was being awoken by Taylor.

''Come On Jen, we've landed.'' she said.

''Alright, give me a minute to get my stuff.'' I replied.

With that we trotted down the steps of the jet and into the awaiting car. I was starting a journey that would change my life . . . .

Introducing the Main Characters.

Name: Jennifer Victoria Bylsma.
Goes by: Jen or 'J'
Age: Eighteen.
DOB: 9th April, 1991.
Todays Date: 4th May, 2008.
Height: 5'7 1/2 inches.
Weight: 118 pounds.
Eye/Hair Colour: Dark eyes, with chocolate brown hair that has a slight wave but she straightens it out.
Lives: With her mum and step-dad in New York, her dad has just become the head coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins.
School: Jennifer goes to a private school called Brearly in New York.
Other facts: She's slim, with a toned body & gorgeous long legs.
Personality: She's very outgoing and when she wants something/someone she chases after it. She loves hockey but she doesn't spend as much time with her dad as she used to. She turns heads wherever she goes, as shes insanely beautiful although she doesn't see herself in this way. Shes hilariously funny and brightens up the room wherever she goes. Although she does have a bad temper but tries to keep it under control.

Name: Taylor Daisy Fulton
Goes by: Tay
Age: Eightenn.
DOB: 8th March, 1991.
Todays Date: 4th May, 2008.
Height: 5'5
Weight: 122 pounds.
Eye/Hair Colour: Blue eyes, with dark blonde curly hair, its straight most days though.
Lives: With her mum in New York, her dad passed away 2 years ago.
School: She goes to a private school called Brearly with Jennifer.
Other facts: She's curvy with a very feminine body.
Personality: Taylor can be very shy although once you get to know her she's a bit nuts, she obsseses over boys and although she hasn't had many boyfriends, shes a very pretty girl. Taylor is always by Jennifer's side and can sometime be left behind when Jennifer gets all the attention.

Name: Jordan Staal
Goes by: 'Gronk' 'Stallsy'
Age: Twenty.
DOB: 10th September, 1982.
Todays Date: 4th May, 2008.
Height: 6'4
Weight: 220 pounds.
Eye/Hair Colour: Blue eyes, with short blonde hair.
Lives: In Pittsburgh.
Job: Center for the Pittsburgh Penguins
Other facts: He's Gorgeous.
Personality: Jordan can come across as a bit of a playboy but deep down he's ready to fall in love. At the moment he has a girlfriend of 3 years called Heather although someone is about to change his life for the better. Jordan is also known as a joker & enjoys pranking Sidney.

Starting Out

Ok, so i've decided to start writing my own hockey fanfic, probably about one of the penguins, more than likely it'll be about Jordan Staal. After reading a few other stories all these new ideas came into my head, so i figured why not write my own story.
Hopefully i'll get the first chapter up the next few days :) I would love people to give me their view on my writing and any constructive criticism will be taken into account!